This 3-day residential sesshin will include all of our meals eaten oryoki style, alternating periods of zazen (sitting) and kinhin (walking) meditation, Dharma Talks, and a special sangha celebration.
Arrive Thursday afternoon to settle in, eat your own packed in dinner, and begin silence.
Friday and Saturday will be full sesshin days 6am to 8:30pm with alterating zazen and kinhin, meals, Dharma Talks, opportunities for dokusan with the teachers, and a work period.
Special Ceremonies:
Saturday at 3:30pm we will have a Jukai Precepts Receiving Ceremony for Toi Geil, Peter Pretkel, and Michael Kelberer.
Sunday at 2pm we'll have a Lay Entrustment Ceremony in which Sokaku Kathie confers the Dharma on Seiu Hannah Sullivan qualifying her as a Lay Teacher in our lineage. This will be followed by a combined reception to celebrate both ceremonies.
Sangha is invited to join for either ceremony even if unable to attend sesshin.
You will need a 3-bowl Oryoki set at this retreat. Instruction on Oryoki eating will be provided, no problem if you've never eaten oryoki before. You can purchase a set from our friends at Still Sitting (please order the Navy Blue cloths). Red Cedar Zen is not able to provide loaner oryoki sets at this time.
Teachers & Dharma Talks:
Everyone is welcome to come join us for Dharma Talks. Be aware of our current Covid policy if you come. No registration needed.
Friday November 3rd, 10:30am Nomon Tim Burnett
Saturday November 4th, 10:30am Kanho Chris Burkhart
Sunday November 5th, 10:30am Sokaku Kathie Fischer
Housing: Housing is provided with two options: E-Cabins and Rustic Cabins.
E-Cabins are more recently built with a full bath shared with one other room. E-Cabins are in short supply in this retreat. Please choose a rustic cabin if that is possible for you in order to leave the E-cabins for those with health challenges. Or consider sharing an E-cabin.
e-Cabin Exterior

e-Cabin Interior

Rustic Cabins - simple plywood cabins built in the 1950's. Camp style bathrooms in a separate building. Most rustic housing will be single (not shared), however if couples or friends are willing to share a cabin this can make a difference in accommodating everyone if the sesshin is full.
Rustic Cabin, exterior

Rustic cabin, interior
