Getting started at Red Cedar ZenWhat is Zen?Zen is the second largest form of Buddhism practiced in Japan. The word “Zen” is the Japanese transliteration of the Chinese “Chan”, which is itself a transliteration of the Sanskrit “dhyana”, meaning meditation. Thus the word Zen itself carries with it the history of this spiritual practice and religion.Red Cedar Zen Community practices in the Soto Zen tradition as transmitted to America by the Japanese Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, founder of San Francisco Zen Center, in the late 1950s (Wikipedia article on Suzuki roshi). The tradition was modified somewhat over 30 years of practice at San Francisco Zen’s three practice centers (City Center, Green Gulch Farm, Tassajara Zen Monastery), and has been further adjusted and simplified by our Founding Teacher, Zoketsu Norman Fischer (Norman’s Everyday Zen Foundation, Wikipedia article on Norman). Zen practice is both dynamic and rooted in tradition, changing form as it integrates with American culture.Why Practice?
A regular meditation practice (zazen) helps one to develop the capacity to experience life, with all of its ups and downs, while staying rooted in a place of stillness. Over time this can lead to more acceptance and less fear and clinging around the ever changing process of life. As our insight into the workings of our own mind deepens, wisdom and compassion naturally arise.
Getting Oriented to ZenNewcomers are always welcome, just show up or contact us to arrange an orientation with a senior student. See the Weekly Schedule page for more details on our regular schedule. There is no fee for joining us at the Red Cedar Dharma Hall for practice but donations are always welcome. If you determine that Read over our 4-page Zen Practice Forms Handout Watch this 9-minute video: Buddha Day at Zen Buddhism Ireland Classes & RetreatsOur 4-week Introduction to Zen Meditation class is usually offered in February, see the Events page. Other classes, workshops, and retreats are offered throughout the year. We have retreats lasting from one to eight days annually. These are also listed on the Events page and see also a sketch of our annual pattern on the Annual Calendar page. Consider especially one of our One Day Sittings. These are more accessible and gentle versions of our more traditional Zen Sesshin Retreats designed to be a bit more "user friendly" with additional instructions and explanation. Practice InterviewsOne-on-one interviews our Priests, Teachers and Practice Leaders can be arranged. Interviews can take place with Priests during Thursday night and Saturday morning practice, and can also be arranged directly with the individuals. RitualsPractice at the zendo is ritualized to support mindfulness and immersion. A description of Zen Forms and comportment are available on the Zen Forms page (see the downloadable handout) and the chants we use are also available on the website and also the Zen Practice Forms Handout. Note that our priests may be available on request to perform weddings, funerals, and blessing ceremonies. Please contact us to inquire. | Zen Training at Red Cedar |